Home Insurance Find the best homeowners insurance for your property

Homeowners insurance protects against damages to your home and personal property from hazards like wind, hail, fire, lightning, theft, and other covered occurrences. Moreover, your home insurance coverage may protect your assets if you're liable for someone else's injuries or property damage.

Liability Personal liability insurance

this coverage protects your assets if you or your family members are financially responsible for someone else's damage or injuries.

Example: A delivery person falls on your steps, breaking their arm and damaging the merchandise. If you're liable, your homeowner's insurance can cover their medical bills and lost wages, as well as the damaged merchandise.

Personal property Personal property insurance

This coverage pays to repair or replace furniture, clothes, electronics, appliances, tools, power equipment, and other belongings if they're destroyed in a covered occurrence.

Example: Someone breaks into your car and steals thousands of dollars' worth of tools and equipment. You're typically covered for the actual cash value of the stolen items, up to the limits of your policy.

Dwelling Dwelling coverage

This coverage can pay to repair or rebuild your house and other structures caused by fire, wind, hail, tornadoes, falling trees/limbs, ice dams, roof damage, and other covered perils.

Example: You're protected if your roof caves in from the weight of snow, damaging interior components such as walls, kitchen cabinets, and countertops

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